
  1. I offer no guarantees or warranties for the accuracy, reliability, or safety of my website’s contents, including those of linked-to sources. I provide my works “as is.” None of my statements are professional advice — they are merely personal opinions or artistic expressions.
  2. Anyone selling my works in a digital format is ripping you off. I provide my works voluntarily, without requiring payment for any digital goods. On the other hand, understandably, physical goods may cost money.
  3. Those who have directly or indirectly contributed to my works do not provide endorsement unless they themselves explicitly state otherwise. Even if they do endorse one of my works, they do not necessarily endorse all of my works. Likewise, endorsement of a past version of a work does not imply endorsement of its current version.
  4. I do not intend my works to be political, factual, or moral statements (even if you think otherwise). Those who use my works to spread defamation, false information, or propaganda do so without my endorsement. Any resemblances in my works to real individuals or groups are purely coincidental.
  5. Any present trademarks and other intellectual properties belong to their rightful owners, with applicable rights protected.
  6. Until I procure human-made artwork or other material that complements or enhances my work, I may use AI (artificial intelligence) to generate placeholder material. If possible, I release any AI generated work under CC0 1.0 (public domain). I do my best to label AI generations clearly and the technology behind them.
    • I use Grammarly to proofread my writing. However, I do not use GrammarlyGO or any other AI tool to generate my written works. Any technology Grammarly uses to check my writing is to make corrections or minor changes to my sentence structure or wording.